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 / Transportation


AvAv Happy Dog can provide transportation to and from the Hotel. The dogs are transported in a specially made and licensed vehicle by trained personnel.

Prices for the transportation of AvAv Happy Dog:

  • Transportation up to 3 km from/to AvAv Happy Dog is charged 180 denars one way (on weekdays during working hours)
  • Transportation from 3 km to 5 km from/to AvAv Happy Dog is charged 200 denars one way (on weekdays during working hours)
  • Transportation from 5km to 7 km from/to AvAv Happy Dog is charged 300 denars one way (on weekdays during working hours)
  • Transportation from 7 km to 15 km from/to AvAv Happy Dog is charged 400 denars one way (on weekdays during working hours)
  • Transportation is charged 400 denars one way (on weekends)
  • Transportation is charged 500 denars one way (during non-working days and holidays)
  • Transportation prices are for the territory of Skopje

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